Traqq®: an ecological momentary dietary assessment app

About Traqq

Traqq® is a flexible ecological momentary dietary assessment app specifically developed for use in research settings and can be used to collect diet-related data in a fast, flexible and reliable manner.

Accurate assessment of dietary intake is fundamental to nutrition research. Yet, traditional methods are often cumbersome and prone to errors, which could negatively impact research outcomes.

Traqq® is easy-to-use and can be completely tailored to specific research purposes.

Distinctive qualities

Traqq screenshot


Traqq® facilitates EMA-based dietary assessment via short recall intervals. The added value of this innovative dietary assessment method has been proven effective in an extensive validation study. The Traqq® repeated 2-hour recall method has been validated against objective urinary and plasma biomarkers as well as established 24-hour recalls. Our extensive validation study showed that Traqq®'s repeated 2-hour recalls provide a more accurate dietary assessment as compared to traditional 24-hour recalls.


Traqq® has been developed by nutrition scientists from Wageningen University and has been evaluated in different target populations (e.g., adolescents, adults, older adults). Usability scores based on the System Usability Scale (SUS) rated Traqq® as an easy-to-use tool.

Country-specific versions

Originally Traqq® has been developed for use in the Netherlands. Yet, due to its flexible nature, the app can be easily tailored to other countries. Currently, in addition to the original version and an English-Dutch version, we also have a tailored version for Spain, Switzerland, Greece and Poland. These adapted versions are all developed together with local nutrition experts and based on local food composition databases.

Traqq® is property of WUR HNH and developed by Idbit.